365 Canadian Sights | Day 365: L’Anse aux Meadows

| Image from Flickr/Rod Brazier via CC BY NC ND 2.0 |

Holy crap the last one!

I decided to wrap up in a bit of a historic spot. If yesterday was a representation of modern First Nations’ culture, this is the opposite; the first landing point of Europeans.

While I’ve spent the entire year avoiding places that were historic but boring visually I decided…not to break that at the last minute.

Come on, this looks amazing. Yes, it’s a historic site, but it’s been turned into an outdoor museum with fascinating recreations of what it was like when the Vikings occupied the land. They were there after indigenous peoples but before any other Europeans.

The houses there now are remakes of the originals but are quite convincing, including plenty of grass-covered roofs. The originals are archaeological sites now, and protected from tourists. For photographers they wouldn’t offer much — apparently, they’ve been reburied to preserve them.

The whole area is beautiful, tucked away on a bay on Newfoundland, way north of where most people get to. The meadowland around the site is lush and green and the rough Atlantic shore fits with the rough style of the homes.

You’ll have to get a car, since as far as I know there’s no transit, private or public, that goes up here. And we’re talking way north. It’s at the very northern tip of the Northern Peninsula, and while there might be another spot a little further north, this is essentially the northern edge of Newfoundland. So it takes a little planning.

There is an entrance fee, but at less than $12 it’s well worth it, especially if you’ve made that journey north.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is the top thing to do in the region, according to TripAdvisor. Also, not satisfied with being a national historic site, it’s a UNESCO heritage site, since it’s unique history rewrote textbooks. It’s official, federal site is here, while the province’s tourism site is here

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