365 Canadian Sights | Day 359: Banff Week – Bow Falls

| Image from Flickr/John Johnston via CC BY 2.0 |

When you look on a map at how close all these Banff sites are, you really understand why it’s become a luxury tourism destination.

In the middle of town the Bow River makes a couple quick turns and then drops about 30 ft. into a broad part of the river over some rocks.

It doesn’t sound too special when I write it like that, and that’s why photos are important. Bow Falls are smaller than most featured on this list, as far as height is concerned, but that’s not the only thing to consider.

Here we have a setting that is much larger than just the falls, with the wide river, the stone shore, the trees and, if you’re in the right spot, jagged mountain peaks in the background. As the falls crash over the rocks, instead of falling straight down, they kick up white spray everywhere.

To me it’s the peaks that take this shot up a notch, presenting the Rocky Mountains as we expect and enjoy — a rugged, grand land. Unlike the previous two entries, this is a big, open epic space fitting of the traditional ideas of Canadian sights.

As one of the larger attractions in Banff, there are a few ways to get here. Really, if you’re in the village, it’s a nice hike or bike ride, especially if you want to get close.

Again, aside from the costs you’re already paying to be in Banff, this isn’t anything more.

Ranked 11 on things to do in Banff by TripAdvisor, the falls on’t actually quite as much written about them as other sights in Banff. That said, the town still has their profile, and since it’s a famous waterfall it’s got a profile of that type, too…and a second one. Lonely Planet also has a profile.

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